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In the world of modular homes with Katarzyna Nadskakula, Customer Advisor at WestaTre

She stands for quality and our clients can count on her support at every stage of the realisation of their dream home. Meet Kasia, holding the position of Customer Advisor at WestaTre, who you can meet every day at our office in Łódź. In the interview, she reveals how we work with our clients, what support they can count on and what we do to ensure our homes and projects are as functional as possible.

Kasia, your tasks are not limited to overseeing the transportation and installation of houses. Tell us at what stage of the process do WestaTre clients approach you?

I actually meet clients at the exploration and planning stage. They come to us most often with the same problem - they have a plot of land with specific dimensions and are unsure what they can do on it. At WestaTre, we are able to consider all the planning conditions and help with this. If clients are interested in modifying the structure, for example adding a room, I can also talk to them about that, present them with the possibilities, do any sketches, designs. In fact, they can count on my technical support from the first meeting with us.

Which is very important when it comes to projects like putting up a house. You are also responsible for getting the modules to the plot. Tell us what this process looks like in practice.

Yes, I am also responsible for this stage. I have the central Poland region under my care. I visit the plot, check what it looks like, what the access is like, whether there are any obstacles. Everything concerning transport and cranes goes through me. I prepare a plan of what problems might arise during delivery, then we order the transport, make an appointment. We transport the smaller houses in two modules: top and bottom, while the larger houses are assembled on site from more parts.

And when it comes to the houses themselves, do the clients submit a lot of amendments or are the designs rather on trend to the point where these changes are not necessary? What does this look like in your experience?

The designs are part of the trends and many people choose them without reservations. We also have projects that have turned out to be bestsellers. Nevertheless, there are clients who want to adapt them to their individual needs and preferences. Most often, the changes concern the number of rooms - for example, if there are three rooms in the design and the client would like to partition one of them and create four. Or conversely, to reduce the number of rooms and open up the living room space.

What do Poles like best when it comes to modern house architecture?

I have noticed that modern barns are a design that our clients have particularly liked recently. Attitudes towards the materials used to build houses are also changing. Wood, sheet metal, all sorts of combinations or a whole house made of sheet metal are becoming popular. More and more people are moving away from the traditional brick and concrete, plaster façade. The effect is very modern, in a Scandinavian style, which many people like because it is associated with cosiness, closeness to nature, minimalism.

As a consultant and account manager you see WestaTre modular homes being built, tell us then which model is your favourite. Which design would you choose for yourself?

I can only choose one (laughs)?

And are there more then one?

For everyday living, I like LIND. This is one of the biggest projects, it has more than 100 m2 of floor space, and it looks very cool and modern thanks to its original shape. And when it comes to such a restful house, I, liking nature, would love to put up our bestseller GRAN - a 35 m2 modular house. It's such a cosy design with a mezzanine floor. It would stand somewhere in the mountains, next to a forest, on a plot of land with a fire pit. Yes, I think I like these two designs best.

Would you modify them or take them as they are?

I would take them as they are.

Thank you Kasia for talking to us and giving us such detailed information about the process of creating the WestaTre houses.

Thank you very much as well.
Data dodania: 2023-06-28 08:56:00
ilość wyświetleń: 2918