As reports show, modular homes are gaining popularity year after year. In Europe, this type of architecture is already widely used in countries such as Germany, Finland, Norway and the UK, for both residential and business purposes. Hotels, homes for seniors and public facilities are being built in this way, as well as - service and retail outlets. What makes business increasingly reach for the opportunities offered by modular homes? Find out.

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An Investment in the future. Why modular homes are an ideal choice for investors

As reports show, modular homes are gaining popularity year after year. In Europe, this type of architecture is already widely used in countries such as Germany, Finland, Norway and the UK, for both residential and business purposes. Hotels, homes for seniors and public facilities are being built in this way, as well as - service and retail outlets. What makes business increasingly reach for the opportunities offered by modular homes? Find out.


Modular homes in numbers

Modular homes are an investment in the future. According to the latest data, the global modular housing market reached $76.1 billion in 2021. Analysts from Research and Markets predict the market will grow to $109 billion by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.17%. Another report, this time from Grand View Research, forecasts that the market will reach as much as $162.4 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 7.3%.

But what's driving this impressive growth? A crucial factor is developing countries, where rapid urbanization and industrial development are creating demand for new construction projects. Technological advances in construction, combined with the advantages of modular technology - such as faster construction times, lower costs and greater flexibility - are driving demand for this type of construction. In addition, growing environmental concerns and the need for sustainability are making modular homes a better alternative than traditional construction.

In the coming years, we expect modular construction to be the fastest growing sector of the market. Improving economic conditions in key markets such as the United Kingdom, the United States and Asia are sure to boost demand for commercial spaces such as offices, showrooms and hotels. And what benefits can modular homes bring to entrepreneurs?


Why are modular homes ideal for investors?

Let's take a look at some of the advantages of modular homes, which have a direct impact on business, the costs incurred, as well as the increasingly popular sustainable development strategies.

  • Speed of project implementation

One of the biggest advantages of modular homes is the project's turnaround time. Although it varies depending on the area, at WestaTre, for structures up to 35 m², the production of the modules and their installation usually takes only 2 months from the moment the contract is signed. This is considerably shorter than building a house using traditional methods, meaning that investors can start reaping the rewards of their investment much sooner.

  • Design flexibility

Modular houses offer a certain level of flexibility, especially when it comes to the possibility of making changes to the design or designing a custom building, which - especially in the case of business developments - must meet certain conditions in accordance not only with regulations, but also with the purpose and convenience of use. At WestaTre, individual designs are created in cooperation with our experts, which gives investors the opportunity to customize the project according to their own needs and expectations.

  • Sustainability and ecology

Modular homes are not only efficient, but also eco-friendly:

  1. Prefabrication. This process reduces the amount of materials used and minimizes the need for transportation, which reduces carbon emissions.
  2. Energy Efficiency. With better insulation and airtightness, modular homes use less energy. Wooden construction and the natural thermal insulation properties of wood further improve energy efficiency.
  3. Resource Savings. The manufacturing process of modular homes uses less water and energy, which also reduces carbon emission
  4. Sustainable Forest Management. The raw material used in production comes from sustainable sources, further emphasizing the eco-friendly nature of this type of construction.

Learn more in the entry: Ecology in construction - why opt for a timber-framed modular house →


Modular house for investment - learn about our realizations

Among investors who go for modular construction are both entrepreneurs, looking for a quick way to put up an office or retail and service outlet, as well as people who want to offer their customers high-quality leisure in a comfortable place away from the city and surrounded by greenery. See what this looks like in practice.

Service and commercial building

Construction time is definitely a big advantage of modular houses for people who want to open their sales or service outlet quickly. It's also a way to be more independent for those who have land and don't want to rent premises, but want to look for ways to reduce energy consumption, for example by investing in photovoltaic panels.

A modular house prepared according to the project can be adjusted in meterage to the size of the plot, while at the same time providing comfort through a functional layout of rooms.

inwestycja w dom modułowy

Building for customers of electric car charging stations

One of our recent projects includes functional points for a major electromobility company. The building is part of an electric car charging station and will be a place where customers can wait in comfort until charging is completed, have a snack, drink coffee or use the restroom.

dom modułowy idealny dla inwestorów

The advantage of modular construction in this case is the ability to quickly erect several, a dozen or dozens of points with an identical design. With projects where demand for a particular service is high, time is the greatest currency. The short turnaround time also ensures a quick return on investment, and therefore higher business profitability, as well as the ability to scale.

inwestycje dom modułowy

Modular houses as a place of rest

Tiredness of city life and, above all, the omnipresent concretization makes many people seek a secluded place to relax outside the city. Remote work, moreover, makes it possible to escape from the walls and noises of the streets not only during the vacation season. Such an opportunity is being recognized by entrepreneurs who are investing specifically in leisure.

inwestycja w domy modułowe

An example is Piotr and Malwina Wysocki, who for years have been offering their clients relaxation with yoga in charming Gniewoszów. Over time, they decided to expand their business with additional accommodations, and the idea was suggested to them by their customers themselves, who were captivated by the proximity of greenery and the serenity the area provided.

See how work on this project progressed and get to know our clients better on our YouTube channel →

domy modułowe jako inwestycja

How to start investing in modular homes?

How do you translate the opportunities that modular housing offers into a profitable business? Here are some of the steps that are in ahead of you. Don't hesitate to contact us on any of them, as we are able to help you at every stage of implementation.

Step 1: Define the purpose of the investment

Before starting any investment, it is important to have a clearly defined goal. Do you want to build a resort, offices, or perhaps a service outlet? The answer to this question will help you choose the right project.

Step 2: Careful planning

Planning is the key to success. Think about location, project size and budget. It's also a good idea to consult experts at this stage. At WestaTre, we can help you verify the plot for construction, formal and legal issues and practical advice to consider at this stage.

Step 3: Project Selection

Based on your prior consultation and planning, choose the design that best suits your needs. WestaTre offers both ready-made designs and the opportunity to create a customized plan.

Step 4: Sign the contract and start production

Once the project is selected and all the details are agreed, the contract is signed. At this point, we determine the implementation date, plan the schedule and get to work.

Step 5: Technical acceptance and start of operation

Once the installation of the house is completed, a technical acceptance is conducted. Once it has passed, you can start operating your new property and enjoy the profits from your investment.

Invest wisely, enjoy the profits

Modular houses are becoming an increasingly popular choice for investors in various industries. Their quick turnaround time, design flexibility and environmental benefits make them ideal for those looking to invest in the future. In addition, with the help of experienced consultants from WestaTre, the investment process becomes even simpler and more efficient.

If you are interested in starting an investment in modular homes and want to learn more, contact us today. Our experienced advisors are ready to help you with every stage of your project, from planning to implementation. Don't wait, invest in the future now!

Data dodania: 2023-09-26 09:25:00
ilość wyświetleń: 1580